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7 Feb 2011

At the market

What fun: Hobart farmers market on a Sunday morning!
Category: General
Posted by: christina

We took the plunge, with some help and a great plug from Madi who operates Tasmanian Farm Gate. Our stall looked pretty sweet with edible flowers, herbs, preserves and vinegars on one table, and fresh produce from our customers on another.

Huge thanks to Claire who dropped off a washing basket full of produce, much of which she'd picked that morning! Thanks too to Elizabeth who dropped of 2 litre bottles of worm wee, Allison who brought fruit, veg and her talented salesman boys, Susan who dropped in a whopper zook, and David who harvested cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and beetroot for us.

It was enjoyable and a great chance to talk with people about FIMBY. We'll be having a stall on a regular basis, on the first or second Sunday of each month. So any time you have excess produce to sell, let us know! Madi is fairly strict about what we can sell, so if its fresh produce, its welcome, and if its something else, talk to Christina beforehand. See our earlier post HERE for details of packing, prices and records.

Next FIMBY stall will be on Sunday 6th March, then 10th April and 8th May.

Below: There was nearly a scrum when the bell rang at 9am .. . a few market goers had spotted Claire's fresh gorgeous lettuce and were keen to snap up what they could.

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