Categories: General Date: 23 Nov 2010 Title: Dusk garlic harvestI just harvested my garlic crop in the semi dark!
"Why?" I hear you ask. Well, its been a stinking hot day, and I was having an after dinner cuppa on the verandah. I was musing that we're forecast to have rainy-ish weather for the next week or so, and that will be good for the new seedlings I've planted. But not so good for the garlic harvest. I pulled a few to see if they were ready last week, and they looked pretty good. I noticed a few bulbs were showing signs of rot begginning, and more damp weather will be perfect rot producing conditions.
So on impulse I sculled the cuppa then dug the whole garlic patch, cleaned them up and spread them out on the verandah to dry out of reach of any rain that comes. A few bulbs that had slimy rotting leaves on the outside will be used in the next few days.
I remember writing about garlic about this time last year, so rather than repeat myself, why not go to last year's post HERE for a read!