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28 Nov 2013

Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb

It was rhubarb 5 ways this week . . .
Category: General
Posted by: christina

Usually we eat rhubarb as a dessert, wtih crumble topping, and often mixed with apples or other fruit. And I often make our fabulous Rhubarb and vanilla bean jam to give to friends and FIMBY clients.

But late last week I 'accidentally' harvested several kilos of rhubarb from three different plants, as I did a 'tidy up' of the stems that were flopping over the path in the rain.

Even after giving away a few kilos to neighbours,
there was plenty to go around, so I made:

- rhubarb and vanilla bean jam (recipe HERE)

- rhubarb stewed with orange and ginger

- bottled rrhubarb (so pretty!)

- rhubarb champagne (recipe HERE)

- rhubarb syrup

This last one is delicious as a cordial, would be
great over icecream, and substituted for plain
sugar syrup makes a fantastic Rhubarb Mojito!


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